Thursday, July 12, 2012

It’s working

The Short:
We have proof that the combination of Xalkori, positivity, and prayer are working.  Based on the latest CT scan, all of the measurable tumors are shrinking.  The primary lung tumor, which measured 7.5cm by 5cm, is now 4.5cm by by 3cm.  Finally, truly measureable, provable, eyes-on proof that it’s working.  Jen isn’t cured of cancer, not by a long shot.  But this proves that right now, the trend has reversed, and the tumors are shrinking.

The Long:
We went into Froedtert for the third time in as many days.  However, this day was different.  Not only did we think we’d see proof that the drugs were working, but we had the kids along for the news.

I waited out in the waiting area with the kids while Jen checked in and waited in the exam room.  She was going to text me when the Dr came in.  Two minutes later Dr Santana came walking past said “Hi” and asked if these were the kids he had heard about.  I said “yes”.  He asked “are they coming in?”  In a hushed tone I said it all depended on what he was going to say.  He said “it’s good news, they should come along.”  So in we all went, and the smile on my face was already there.

He started with the fact that he didn’t have a definitive answer for the pain.  Based on the CT it wasn’t the gallbladder or gallstones.  It was most likely the changing of one of the tumors in the liver which is located right at the “shell” or outer edge.  These can be quite painful when they grow, or in this case shrink.  So other than prescribe some longer lasting basal pain medication, there’s not a lot more he can do for it.

Then we started viewing the scans and measurements of the tumors.  When he got to the before and now scans of the lung tumor, I literally had to bite my lip to not yell “YES!”  Even an IT guy like me could see that it had shrunk.  The same was true for the tumor over the adrenal gland; shrinkage by a remarkable amount.  If this is due to the Xalkori, and we have every reason to believe it is, this is an incredible drug for this type of cancer.  A 50% reduction in 29 days? Wow.  Incredible.

Jen still has some emotional and mental issues that she’s trying to handle.  That’s completely understandable given the situation.  The counseling staff at Froedtert works with cancer patients on a continual basis, and it’s really the best place for her to go.  Therefore, we’ll be back to Froedtert tomorrow (Friday, day 4) for her to see one of them.  I’ll take her there every day if need be.

I’m allowing myself a night of smiles and happiness.  The last few days have been nothing but waiting, thinking, and worrying.  Not that long ago we didn’t know if she had weeks or months left.  For now, at least, the tide seems to have turned.  This may be a little victory.  But regardless, I’m going to let myself enjoy it.  She’s not cured.  But there’s more hope today than there’s been in a long time.

The honest to goodness truth:
On my commute home today I asked my iPhone: “Do the Brewers play today?
Siri responded with: “Now playing:  I saw God Today” (a George Strait song I have)

I got goose bumps, and thought to myself… “that’ll do just fine”.

1 comment:

Chris Roy said...

I was on pins and needles waiting to get in and read today's blog about the events from yesterday. Both Daphne and I are ecstatic about this wonderful positive turn. While the journey ahead is long, every step counts and these are giant leaps and bounds. Continuing to send you our thoughts and positive energy.