Monday, June 04, 2012

Day 4

Day 4: Monday June 4th 2012

Jen had an up and down day.  On the PKs: sore, but smiling and joking.  Off the PKs: immobile, and in pain.  Two things are constant: her coughing and her determination to beat this thing.

We called her primary doctor at 11am for an update on the pathology report.  Nothing had been completed yet.  However, by 4pm the Dr. called us to state that while the "stain" tests had not yet completed that it was being diagnosed as "non-small cell" lung cancer.  This, while confirming the cancer diagnosis, was good news in that the non-small cell typically grows much slower than small cell.  Find blessings where you can.

The Oncology department called to confirm that we had an appointment for next week.  WRONG.  Jen's been diagnosed with stage 4 and the other Dr.s were adamant about beginning treatment this week.  We're not waiting til next week.  Minutes later they confirmed that she could get in on Thurdsay.  I pressed for an even earlier appointment but it didn't happen.  Thursday may very well top last Friday on the difficulty scale.  I know it's bad. I'm not sure that I want to hear the details of just how bad.  

Worked from home today. Tried to keep my head in the compliance and audit space.  But I have to admit, at certain points it's tough to focus.  I'm in this in-between world where it's tough to focus on Jen because it's painful, and it's tough to focus on work because you feel guilty.  I'm going to work from home tomorrow as well.  I need to be here when Jen gets that pathology report.  If a husband is worth anything, he should be there for his wife at that time.

1 comment:

Jason Campbell said...

Chris, keep your chin up. Cancer has affected many people in my life including my mother who had bone cancer and thyroid cancer, my father had thyroid cancer. I can remember going to get family photos when my mother was diagnosed because they weren't sure if she would make it. She's still doing well to this day. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers, thanks for sharing your blog.